All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract implementation for Identity for identities composed of a multiple inner values.
Implementation of Converter that converts LocalDate instances to and from String using ISO-8601 as String representation by default.
Base abstract implementation for Identity.
Abstract implementation for Identity for identities composed of a single inner value.
Base implementation of IdentityBean.
Generator of IdentityBean, WritableIdentityBean and BaseIdentityBean values.
Type level annotation finder.
Functional interface for extractor of individual annotations from annotation list annotations.
Interface for type level annotations cache.
Class level annotations cache entry.
Implementation of Cache based on WeakHashMap.
Defines a valid bean reference.
Defines multiple valid bean references.
Utility class for bean validations.
Implementation for Identity for identities composed of a single inner BigInteger value.
Implementation of Converter that converts Date instances to and from String using delegating in a instance of InstantConverter.
Implementation of Converter that converts DayOfWeek instances to and from String constant name as String representation.
Implementation of Converter that converts Duration instances to and from String using ISO-8601 as String representation.
Implementation of Converter that converts Enum instances to and from String using value name as String representation.
Extension of ConvertUtilsBean that falls back to converter registered for Enum class when converting enumeration types.
Extension of ConvertUtilsBean2 that falls back to converter registered for Enum class when converting enumeration types.
Implementation of Converter that converts Enum instances to and from String using value name as String representation.
Implementation of Converter that converts Calendar instances to and from String using delegating in a instance of InstantConverter.
Interface representing the identity of a bean.
Interface representing a bean with identity.
Validation group to require a valid identity.
Implementation of Converter that converts IdentityBean instances to String and WritableIdentityBean from String using the identity token of the bean as String representation.
Implementation of Converter that converts Identity instances to and from String using the identity token as String representation.
Identity resolver that converts an instance of Identity of unknown type to an instance of a concrete type.
Interface for identity resolve methods cache.
Exception for misconfigured identity types.
Implementation of Cache based on WeakHashMap.
Formatter and parser of identity tokens.
Marks a method as an identity token to identity resolver.
Implementation of Converter that converts Instant instances to and from String using the ISO-8601 as String representation.
Implementation of TypeIdResolver that discovers interface/bean subtypes using SPI configuration files.
Implementation of Converter that converts LocalDate instances to and from String using ISO-8601 as String representation by default.
Implementation of Converter that converts LocalDateTime instances to and from String using ISO-8601 as String representation by default.
Implementation of Converter that converts Locale instances to and from String using the language tag as String representation.
Implementation of Converter that converts LocalTime instances to and from String using ISO-8601 as String representation by default.
Implementation for Identity for identities composed of a single inner Long value.
Implementation of Converter that converts Month instances to and from String using "YYYY-MM" as String representation.
Implementation of Converter that converts MonthDay instances to and from String using "--MM-DD" as String representation.
Implementation of Converter that converts OffsetDateTime instances to and from String using ISO-8601 as String representation by default.
Implementation of Converter that converts OffsetTime instances to and from String using ISO-8601 as String representation by default.
Utility class for registration of default implementations of Orne custom converters
Implementation of Converter that converts Period instances to and from String using ISO-8601 as String representation.
Implementation for Identity for identities composed of a single inner String value.
Implementation of Identity for identities of unknown format restored from identity tokens.
JAXB adapter for Identity that converts Identity instances to and from String using the identity token as String representation.
Generator of Identity and TokenIdentity values.
Exception for identity tokens that cannot be resolved to expected Identity type.
Implementation of Converter that converts URI instances to and from String using the language tag as String representation.
Validation for beans that require a valid, non null identity.
Constraint validator for ValidBeanIdentity.
Validation for beans that require at least a valid bean reference.
Constraint validator for ValidBeanReference.
Validation for valid identities.
Constraint validator for ValidBeanIdentity on Identity instances.
Constraint validator for ValidBeanIdentity on String identity tokens.
Validation for valid identity tokens.
Validation for valid identity token prefixes.
Interface representing a bean with identity that allows assigning its identity.
Implementation of Converter that converts Year instances to and from String using the year number as String representation.
Implementation of Converter that converts YearMonth instances to and from String using "YYYY-MM" as String representation.
Implementation of Converter that converts ZonedDateTime instances to and from String using ISO-8601 as String representation by default.
Implementation of Converter that converts ZoneOffset instances to and from String using ID as String representation by default.