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Bean references

Bean references allow defining sets of validation groups that can be applied to detect a valid reference to an unique entity.

Usually a bean with a valid identity is a valid bean reference, in addition of any number of extra references.

To define a valid bean reference add the annotation BeanReference to the bean class with an array of validation groups to apply to the bean to validate the valid reference.

protected static class MyBean {
  // ...
  private String code;
  // Validation group
  public static interface RequireCode {}

Multiple BeanReference annotations are allowed to define multiple bean reference types:

@BeanReference({ RequireYear.class, RequireMonth.class })
protected static class MyBean {
  // ...

Bean references validation

For validating that a passed bean contains a valid reference annotation ValidBeanReference is provided. This annotation validates that a valid reference is provided. If the is an instance of IdentityBean and has a identity same limitations of identity validations apply.

void myMethod(
    MyBean bean) {
  // ...

Utility class BeanValidationUtils provides method isValidBeanReference() to check programmatically if a bean has a valid reference.