All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract basic implementation of Generator.
Abstract implementation of ParameterizableGenerator.
Abstract implementation of ParametersSourceExtractor.
Abstract generator implementation for primitive types.
Abstract implementation of TargetedGenerator.
Abstract implementation of TypedGenerator.
Abstract implementation of TypedParameterizableGenerator.
Generator of beans annotated with Currency.
Generator of array values.
Generator of BigDecimal and Number values.
Generator of BigInteger values.
Generator of boolean and Boolean values.
Generator of byte and Byte values.
Generator of Calendar values.
Generator of char and Character values.
Generator of Charset values.
Generator of Chronology values.
Generator of Clock values.
Parameters for random Collection generation.
Utility class for generating components for generic types.
Utility class for retrieving constraints annotations from generation targets.
Generator that calls a constructor with generated parameters to generate values of the target type.
Implementation of TargetedGenerator that generates random values of the target constructor parameter type.
Generator of Currency values.
Generator of Date values.
Default implementation for ParametersExtrator.
Generator of double and Double values.
Generator of Duration values.
Generator of enumeration types values.
Abstract generator that calls an executable with generated parameters to generate values of the target type.
Generator that calls a static factory method with generated parameters to generate values of the target type.
Generator of File values.
Generator of float and Float values.
Exception for error occurred during instances generation.
Base class for value generation parameters.
Interface for random value generators.
Annotation for class constructor or static method to be used to create new random instances of a class.
Exception throw by Generators when value generation is requested but no suitable generator is found for the required type.
Exception throw by Generators when parameters based value generation is requested but the suitable generator is not parameterizable.
Main entry point for random value generation system.
Cache value for missing generators for a value type.
Generator of Instant values.
Generator of int and Integer values.
Interface for generation parameters of generic classes with two type parameters for key and values.
Interface for KeyValueGenericParameters keys type builders.
Interface for KeyValueGenericParameters values type builders.
Generation parameters extractor that copies parameters between KeyValueGenericParameters instances.
The basic implementation of KeyValueGenericParameters.
Generation parameters extractor that detects TypeDeclaration parameter sources and sets KeyValueGenericParameters.keysType and KeyValueGenericParameters.valuesType.
Generator of List values.
Generator of LocalDate values.
Generator of LocalDateTime values.
Generator of Locale values.
Generator of LocalTime values.
Generator of long and Long values.
Parameters for random Map generation.
Generator of Map values.
Generation parameters extractor that detects Max constraint annotations and sets NumParameters.max.
Implementation of TargetedGenerator that generates random values of the target method parameter type.
Implementation of TargetedGenerator that generates random values of the target method return type.
Generation parameters extractor that detects Min constraint annotations and sets NumParameters.min.
Generator of MonthDay values.
Generation parameters extractor that detects NotNull constraint annotations and sets GenerationParameters.nullable to false.
Interface for generation parameters for value types that can be null.
Interface for NullableParameters builders.
Generation parameters extractor that copies parameters between GenerationParameters instances.
The basic implementation of NullableParameters.
Interface for number generation parameters.
Interface for NumberParameters builders.
Generation parameters extractor that copies parameters between NumberParameters instances.
The basic implementation of NumberParameters.
Generator of OffsetDateTime values.
Generator of OffsetTime values.
Interface for random value generators with optional parameters.
Interface for generation parameters extractor.
Registry of generation parameters source extractors.
Functional interface for parameters extractor builder.
Functional interface for generation parameters source extractors filter.
Interface for generation parameters extractor from a source type.
Fallback implementation of ParametersSourceExtractor that does nothing.
Implementation of TargetedGenerator that generates random values of the target parameter type.
Generator of Path values.
Generator of Period values.
Generation parameters extractor that detects Positive constraint annotations and sets NumParameters.min.
Generation parameters extractor that detects PositiveOrZero constraint annotations and sets NumParameters.min.
Annotation for generators priority.
Implementation of TargetedGenerator that generates random values of the type a target property.
Annotation for automatic random value injection in JUnit Jupiter tests.
JUnit Jupiter extension for automatic random value injection.
Generator of Set values.
Generator of short and Short values.
Interface for generation parameters of generic classes with a single type parameter.
Interface for SimpleGenericParameters builders.
Generation parameters extractor that copies parameters between SimpleGenericParameters instances.
The basic implementation of SimpleGenericParameters.
Generation parameters extractor that detects TypeDeclaration parameter sources and sets SimpleGenericParameters.type.
Generation parameters extractor that detects Size constraint annotations and sets SizeParameters.minSize and SizeParameters.maxSize.
Interface for generation parameters that support sizing parameters.
Interface for NumberParameters builders.
Generation parameters extractor that copies parameters between SizeParameters instances.
The basic implementation of SizeParameters.
Parameters for random String generation.
Generator of String and CharSequence values.
Interface for generators that target a property, method or constructor parameter or method return type.
Generator of TimeZone values.
Generation parameters source that provides the declared type of the value to generate.
Extension of Generator for generators that only provide one type of values.
Extension of ParameterizableGenerator for generators that only provide one type of values.
Exception thrown by Generator instances when a value of an unsupported type is requested.
Generator of URI values.
Generator of URL values.
Implementation of URLStreamHandler that prevents opening generated random URLs.
Generator of UUID values.
Generator of Year values.
Generator of YearMonth values.
Generator of ZonedDateTime values.
Generator of ZoneId values.
Generator of ZoneOffset values.