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AbstractGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd
Abstract basic implementation of Generator.
AbstractGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractGenerator
Creates a new instance.
AbstractParameterizableGenerator<P extends GenerationParameters> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Abstract implementation of ParameterizableGenerator.
AbstractParameterizableGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Crates a new instance.
AbstractParameterizableGenerator(Class<P>) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Creates a new instance.
AbstractParametersSourceExtractor<P,S> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Abstract implementation of ParametersSourceExtractor.
AbstractParametersSourceExtractor() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParametersSourceExtractor
Crates a new instance.
AbstractParametersSourceExtractor(Class<P>, Class<S>) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParametersSourceExtractor
Crates a new instance.
AbstractPrimitiveGenerator<T> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Abstract generator implementation for primitive types.
AbstractPrimitiveGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AbstractPrimitiveGenerator
Crates a new instance.
AbstractPrimitiveGenerator(Class<T>) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AbstractPrimitiveGenerator
Crates a new instance.
AbstractTargetedGenerator<T> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Abstract implementation of TargetedGenerator.
AbstractTargetedGenerator(Class<T>) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTargetedGenerator
Creates a new instance.
AbstractTargetedGenerator(Class<T>, Generator) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTargetedGenerator
Creates a new instance.
AbstractTypedGenerator<T> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd
Abstract implementation of TypedGenerator.
AbstractTypedGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractTypedGenerator
Crates a new instance.
AbstractTypedGenerator(Class<T>) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractTypedGenerator
Crates a new instance.
AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator<T,P extends GenerationParameters> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Abstract implementation of TypedParameterizableGenerator.
AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Crates a new instance.
AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator(Class<T>, Class<P>) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Crates a new instance.
AnnotatedMethodGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of beans annotated with Currency.
AnnotatedMethodGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
Creates a new instance.
ANNOTATION_GENERATORS - Static variable in annotation type dev.orne.test.rnd.Priority
The priority for built in native types generators.
ArrayGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of array values.
ArrayGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ArrayGenerator
Creates a new instance.
asParameterizable() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.Generator
Returns this generator as a parameterizable generator.
assertSupported(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractGenerator
Verifies that the specified type is supported by this instance.
assertSupported(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
Verifies that the specified type is supported by this instance.


beforeAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.junit.RandomValueExtension
beforeEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.junit.RandomValueExtension
BigDecimalGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of BigDecimal and Number values.
BigDecimalGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BigDecimalGenerator
Creates a new instance.
BigIntegerGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of BigInteger values.
BigIntegerGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BigIntegerGenerator
Creates a new instance.
BooleanGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of boolean and Boolean values.
BooleanGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BooleanGenerator
Creates a new instance.
ByteGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of byte and Byte values.
ByteGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ByteGenerator
Creates a new instance.


CalendarGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of Calendar values.
CalendarGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CalendarGenerator
Creates a new instance.
CharacterGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of char and Character values.
CharacterGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CharacterGenerator
Creates a new instance.
CharsetGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of Charset values.
CharsetGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CharsetGenerator
Creates a new instance.
ChronologyGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of Chronology values.
ChronologyGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ChronologyGenerator
Creates a new instance.
clearCache() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
Clears the cache of discovered generators.
clearCache(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
Removes the cache of discovered generator for the specified class.
ClockGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of Clock values.
ClockGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ClockGenerator
Creates a new instance.
CollectionGenerationParameters - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Parameters for random Collection generation.
CollectionGenerationParameters() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.CollectionGenerationParameters
Creates a new instance.
CollectionGenerationParameters(GenerationParameters) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.CollectionGenerationParameters
Copy constructor.
CollectionGeneratorUtils - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Utility class for generating components for generic types.
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
The generator comparator by priority.
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors
The parameter source extractors comparator by priority.
ConstraintIntrospector - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Utility class for retrieving constraints annotations from generation targets.
ConstructorGenerator<T> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generator that calls a constructor with generated parameters to generate values of the target type.
ConstructorGenerator(Constructor<T>, TargetedGenerator<?>[]) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstructorGenerator
Creates a new instance.
ConstructorParameterTypeGenerator<T> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Implementation of TargetedGenerator that generates random values of the target constructor parameter type.
ConstructorParameterTypeGenerator(Class<T>, Constructor<?>, int) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstructorParameterTypeGenerator
Creates a new instance.
ConstructorParameterTypeGenerator(Class<T>, Constructor<?>, int, Generator) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstructorParameterTypeGenerator
Creates a new instance.
create(Collection<ParametersSourceExtractor<? super P, ?>>) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors.ExtractorBuilder
Creates a new parameters extractor from the specified suitable parameter source extractors.
createEmptyParams() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Creates a new empty instance of generation parameters.
createParameters() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.StringGenerator
Returns a new instance of generation parameters.
createParams(Object...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the values extracted from the specified sources.
CurrencyGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of Currency values.
CurrencyGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CurrencyGenerator
Creates a new instance.


DateGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of Date values.
DateGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.DateGenerator
Creates a new instance.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CurrencyGenerator
The default currency.
DEFAULT - Static variable in annotation type dev.orne.test.rnd.Priority
The default priority.
DEFAULT_BUILDER - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors
The default parameters extractor builder.
DEFAULT_FILTER - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors
The default parameters source extractors filter.
DEFAULT_HOST - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URLGenerator
The default host.
DEFAULT_MAX - Static variable in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParameters
The default maximum value.
DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParameters
The default maximum size.
DEFAULT_MIN - Static variable in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParameters
The default minimum value.
DEFAULT_MIN_SIZE - Static variable in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParameters
The default minimum size.
DEFAULT_NULL_PROBABILITY - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractGenerator
The default probability of null values.
DEFAULT_NULLABLE - Static variable in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NullableParameters
If a null value is accepted by default.
DEFAULT_PATH - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URLGenerator
The default path.
DEFAULT_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URLGenerator
The default protocol.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BigDecimalGenerator
The default value.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BigIntegerGenerator
The default value.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BooleanGenerator
The default value.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ByteGenerator
The default value.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CharacterGenerator
The default value.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.DoubleGenerator
The default value.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FloatGenerator
The default value.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.IntegerGenerator
The default value.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LongGenerator
The default value.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ShortGenerator
The default value.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.StringGenerator
The default value.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
The default value.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.UUIDGenerator
The default value.
DefaultParametersExtractor<P> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Default implementation for ParametersExtrator.
DefaultParametersExtractor(Collection<ParametersSourceExtractor<? super P, ?>>) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.DefaultParametersExtractor
Creates a new instance.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BigDecimalGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BigIntegerGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BooleanGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ByteGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CalendarGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CharacterGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CharsetGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ChronologyGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ClockGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CurrencyGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.DateGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.DoubleGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.DurationGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FloatGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.InstantGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.IntegerGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LocalDateGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LocalDateTimeGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LocaleGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LocalTimeGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LongGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.MonthDayGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.OffsetDateTimeGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.OffsetTimeGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PeriodGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ShortGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.TimeZoneGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URLGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.UUIDGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.YearGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.YearMonthGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ZonedDateTimeGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ZoneIdGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ZoneOffsetGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ExecutableGenerator
Returns the default instance of the target type.
defaultValue() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.TypedGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue(CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ListGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type for the specified parameters.
defaultValue(CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.SetGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type for the specified parameters.
defaultValue(MapGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.MapGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type for the specified parameters.
defaultValue(StringGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.StringGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type for the specified parameters.
defaultValue(Class<?>...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTargetedGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue(Class<?>...) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.TargetedGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type.
defaultValue(Class<T>) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.Generator
Returns the default value for the specified type.
defaultValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type.
defaultValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ArrayGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type.
defaultValue(Class<T>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns the default value for the specified type.
defaultValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.EnumGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type.
defaultValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators.MissingGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type.
defaultValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type.
defaultValue(Class<T>, Object...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns the default value for the specified type.
defaultValue(Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type and parameter sources.
defaultValue(Class<T>, Object...) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type and parameter sources.
defaultValue(Class<T>, P) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type and parameters.
defaultValue(Class<V>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractTypedGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type.
defaultValue(Class<V>, P) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type and parameters.
defaultValue(Object...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type for the specified parameter sources.
defaultValue(Object...) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.TypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type for the specified parameter sources.
defaultValue(P) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type for the specified parameters.
dev.orne.test.rnd - package dev.orne.test.rnd
Base package for random value generators system.
dev.orne.test.rnd.generators - package dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Package for built in Generator implementations.
dev.orne.test.rnd.junit - package dev.orne.test.rnd.junit
dev.orne.test.rnd.params - package dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Package for parameterizable generators system.
discoverAnnotatedGenerator(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
Finds a constructor or static method annotated with GeneratorMethod in the specified target class.
DoubleGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of double and Double values.
DoubleGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.DoubleGenerator
Creates a new instance.
DurationGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of Duration values.
DurationGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.DurationGenerator
Creates a new instance.


EnumGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of enumeration types values.
EnumGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.EnumGenerator
Creates a new instance.
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractGenerator
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractTypedGenerator
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParametersSourceExtractor
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTargetedGenerator
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.CollectionGenerationParameters
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstructorParameterTypeGenerator
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.DefaultParametersExtractor
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ExecutableGenerator
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodParameterTypeGenerator
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodReturnTypeGenerator
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NullableParametersImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParametersImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParameterTypeGenerator
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PropertyTypeGenerator
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParametersImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParametersImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.StringGenerationParameters
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.TypeDeclaration
ERR_MSG - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators.MissingGenerator
The error message.
ExecutableGenerator<T> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Abstract generator that calls an executable with generated parameters to generate values of the target type.
ExecutableGenerator(Class<T>, Executable, TargetedGenerator<?>[]) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ExecutableGenerator
Creates a new instance.
extract(T, S) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.DefaultParametersExtractor
Tries to populating the specified target parameters extracting the parameter values from the specified source.
extractParameters(KeyValueGenericParameters, KeyValueGenericParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.
extractParameters(NullableParameters, NullableParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NullableParametersExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.
extractParameters(NumberParameters, NumberParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParametersExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.
extractParameters(SimpleGenericParameters, SimpleGenericParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParametersExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.
extractParameters(SizeParameters, SizeParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParametersExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.
extractParameters(TypeDeclaration, KeyValueGenericParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersTypeExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.
extractParameters(TypeDeclaration, SimpleGenericParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParametersTypeExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.
extractParameters(Object, Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersSourceExtractor.NopExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.
extractParameters(Max, NumberParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MaxConstraintExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.
extractParameters(Min, NumberParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MinConstraintExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.
extractParameters(NotNull, NullableParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NotNullConstraintExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.
extractParameters(PositiveOrZero, NumberParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PositiveOrZeroConstraintExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.
extractParameters(Positive, NumberParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PositiveConstraintExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.
extractParameters(Size, SizeParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeConstraintExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.
extractParameters(P, Object...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.DefaultParametersExtractor
Extract the generation parameters from the specified sources.
extractParameters(P, Object...) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractor
Extract the generation parameters from the specified sources.
extractParameters(P, Collection<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.DefaultParametersExtractor
Extract the generation parameters from the specified sources.
extractParameters(P, Collection<?>) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractor
Extract the generation parameters from the specified sources.
extractParameters(S, P) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersSourceExtractor
Extracts the parameters from the specified source, modifying the generation parameters as required.


FactoryMethodGenerator<T> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generator that calls a static factory method with generated parameters to generate values of the target type.
FactoryMethodGenerator(Class<T>, Method, TargetedGenerator<?>[]) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.FactoryMethodGenerator
Creates a new instance.
FileGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of File values.
FileGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
Creates a new instance.
findConstructorParameterConstrains(Constructor<?>, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstraintIntrospector
Retrieves the constraint annotations of the specified constructor parameter for the specified validation groups.
findConstructorParameterConstrains(Validator, Constructor<?>, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstraintIntrospector
Retrieves the constraint annotations of the specified constructor parameter for the specified validation groups.
findDeclaredConstructor(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
Finds a constructor annotated with GeneratorMethod in the specified target class.
findDeclaredMethod(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
Finds a method annotated with GeneratorMethod in the specified target class.
findMethodParameterConstrains(Method, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstraintIntrospector
Retrieves the constraint annotations of the specified method parameter for the specified validation groups.
findMethodParameterConstrains(Validator, Method, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstraintIntrospector
Retrieves the constraint annotations of the specified method parameter for the specified validation groups.
findMethodResultConstrains(Method, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstraintIntrospector
Retrieves the constraint annotations of the specified method result for the specified validation groups.
findMethodResultConstrains(Validator, Method, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstraintIntrospector
Retrieves the constraint annotations of the specified method result for the specified validation groups.
findParameterConstrains(Parameter, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstraintIntrospector
Retrieves the constraint annotations of the specified parameter for the specified validation groups.
findParameterConstrains(Validator, Parameter, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstraintIntrospector
Retrieves the constraint annotations of the specified parameter for the specified validation groups.
findPropertyConstrains(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstraintIntrospector
Retrieves the constraint annotations of the specified property for the specified validation groups.
findPropertyConstrains(Validator, Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstraintIntrospector
Retrieves the constraint annotations of the specified property for the specified validation groups.
findSuitable(List<ParametersSourceExtractor<?, ?>>, Class<P>) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors.SourceExtractorFilter
Returns the generation parameters source extractors to be used when extracting parameters of the specified type.
FloatGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of float and Float values.
FloatGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FloatGenerator
Creates a new instance.
forField(Class<?>, Field) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns a targeted generator for the specified field.
forField(Field) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns a targeted generator for the specified field.
forKeyValueGenerics() - Static method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.GenerationParameters
Creates a new builder of KeyValueGenericParameters.
forNullables() - Static method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.GenerationParameters
Creates a new builder of NullableParameters.
forNumbers() - Static method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.GenerationParameters
Creates a new builder of NumberParameters.
forParameter(Class<?>, Class<?>[], int) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns a targeted generator for the specified constructor parameter.
forParameter(Class<?>, String, Class<?>[], int) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns a targeted generator for the specified method parameter.
forParameter(Constructor<?>, int) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns a targeted generator for the specified constructor parameter.
forParameter(Method, int) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns a targeted generator for the specified method parameter.
forParameter(Parameter) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns a targeted generator for the specified parameter.
forProperty(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns a targeted generator for the specified bean property.
forReturnType(Class<?>, String, Class<?>[]) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns a targeted generator for the specified method return type.
forReturnType(Method) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns a targeted generator for the specified method return type.
forSimpleGenerics() - Static method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.GenerationParameters
Creates a new builder of SimpleGenericParameters.
forSizes() - Static method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.GenerationParameters
Creates a new builder of SizeParameters.


generate(Object[]) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstructorGenerator
Calls the executable to create a new instance of the target type.
generate(Object[]) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ExecutableGenerator
Calls the executable to create a new instance of the target type.
generate(Object[]) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.FactoryMethodGenerator
Calls the executable to create a new instance of the target type.
generateValue(Class<?>, Field) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.junit.RandomValueExtension
Generates a random value for the specified field of the test class.
GenerationException - Exception in dev.orne.test.rnd
Exception for error occurred during instances generation.
GenerationException() - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.GenerationException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
GenerationException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.GenerationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
GenerationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.GenerationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
GenerationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.GenerationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
GenerationParameters - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Base class for value generation parameters.
Generator - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd
Interface for random value generators.
GeneratorMethod - Annotation Type in dev.orne.test.rnd
Annotation for class constructor or static method to be used to create new random instances of a class.
GeneratorNotFoundException - Exception in dev.orne.test.rnd
Exception throw by Generators when value generation is requested but no suitable generator is found for the required type.
GeneratorNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.GeneratorNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
GeneratorNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.GeneratorNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
GeneratorNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.GeneratorNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
GeneratorNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.GeneratorNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
GeneratorNotParameterizableException - Exception in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Exception throw by Generators when parameters based value generation is requested but the suitable generator is not parameterizable.
GeneratorNotParameterizableException() - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.params.GeneratorNotParameterizableException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
GeneratorNotParameterizableException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.params.GeneratorNotParameterizableException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
GeneratorNotParameterizableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.params.GeneratorNotParameterizableException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
GeneratorNotParameterizableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.params.GeneratorNotParameterizableException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
Generators - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd
Main entry point for random value generation system.
Generators.MissingGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd
Cache value for missing generators for a value type.
GENERIC_GENERATORS - Static variable in annotation type dev.orne.test.rnd.Priority
The priority for built in generic types generators.
getAnnotatedGenerator(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
Returns annotated generator to be used to create random instances of the specified target class.
getBuilder() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors
Returns the parameters extractor builder.
getConstructor() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstructorParameterTypeGenerator
Returns the target constructor.
getDeclaredType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTargetedGenerator
Returns the declared type of the target.
getDeclaredType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstructorParameterTypeGenerator
Returns the declared type of the target.
getDeclaredType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodParameterTypeGenerator
Returns the declared type of the target.
getDeclaredType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodReturnTypeGenerator
Returns the declared type of the target.
getDeclaredType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParameterTypeGenerator
Returns the declared type of the target.
getDeclaredType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PropertyTypeGenerator
Returns the declared type of the target.
getExecutable() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstructorGenerator
Returns the executable to call.
getExecutable() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ExecutableGenerator
Returns the executable to call.
getExecutable() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.FactoryMethodGenerator
Returns the executable to call.
getExtractor() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Returns the generation parameters extractor.
getExtractor(Class<P>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors
Returns a generation parameters extractor for the specified parameters type.
getExtractors() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.DefaultParametersExtractor
Returns the available parameters source extractors.
getFilter() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors
Returns the generation parameters source extractors filter.
getGenerator() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTargetedGenerator
Returns the generator to use.
getGenerator(Class<?>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns the generator to use for the specified value type.
getKeysType() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParameters
Returns the keys type parameter.
getKeysType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
Returns the keys type parameter.
getKeysType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Returns the keys type.
getMax() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParameters
Returns the maximum (inclusive) value.
getMax() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParametersImpl
Returns the maximum (inclusive) value.
getMaxSize() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.CollectionGenerationParameters
Returns the maximum size.
getMaxSize() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Returns the maximum size.
getMaxSize() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParameters
Returns the maximum size.
getMaxSize() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParametersImpl
Returns the maximum size.
getMaxSize() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.StringGenerationParameters
Returns the maximum size.
getMethod() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodParameterTypeGenerator
Returns the target method.
getMethod() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodReturnTypeGenerator
Returns the target method.
getMin() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParameters
Returns the minimum (inclusive) value.
getMin() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParametersImpl
Returns the minimum (inclusive) value.
getMinSize() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.CollectionGenerationParameters
Returns the minimum size.
getMinSize() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Returns the minimum size.
getMinSize() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParameters
Returns the minimum size.
getMinSize() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParametersImpl
Returns the minimum size.
getMinSize() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.StringGenerationParameters
Returns the minimum size.
getNullProbability() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractGenerator
Returns the probability of null value in AbstractGenerator.nullableRandomValue(Class).
getParameter() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParameterTypeGenerator
Returns the target parameter.
getParameterGenerators() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ExecutableGenerator
Returns the generator for the executable parameters.
getParameterIndex() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstructorParameterTypeGenerator
Returns the target constructor parameter index.
getParameterIndex() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodParameterTypeGenerator
Returns the target method parameter index.
getParameterizableGenerator(Class<?>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns the parameterizable generator to use for the specified value type.
getParameterSourceList(Class<?>...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTargetedGenerator
Returns the generation parameter sources to be used.
getParameterSources(Class<?>...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTargetedGenerator
Returns the generation parameter sources to be used.
getParameterSources(Class<?>...) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.TargetedGenerator
Returns the generation parameter sources to be used.
getParametersType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Returns the type of generation parameters.
getParametersType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParametersSourceExtractor
Returns the target generation parameters type.
getParametersType() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersSourceExtractor
Returns the target generation parameters type.
getParametersType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersSourceExtractor.NopExtractor
Returns the target generation parameters type.
getPriority() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.Generator
Returns the priority of this generator.
getPriority() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersSourceExtractor
Returns the priority of this extractor.
getProperty() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PropertyTypeGenerator
Returns the target property.
getRegisteredGenerators() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns an unmodifiable list with the registered generators.
getRegisteredSourceExtractors() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors
Returns an unmodifiable list with the registered parameter source extractors.
getSourceType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParametersSourceExtractor
Returns the parameters source type.
getSourceType() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersSourceExtractor
Returns the parameters source type.
getSourceType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersSourceExtractor.NopExtractor
Returns the parameters source type.
getTargetConstraints(Class<?>...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTargetedGenerator
Returns the constraints of the target for the specified validation groups.
getTargetConstraints(Class<?>...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstructorParameterTypeGenerator
Returns the constraints of the target for the specified validation groups.
getTargetConstraints(Class<?>...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodParameterTypeGenerator
Returns the constraints of the target for the specified validation groups.
getTargetConstraints(Class<?>...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodReturnTypeGenerator
Returns the constraints of the target for the specified validation groups.
getTargetConstraints(Class<?>...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParameterTypeGenerator
Returns the constraints of the target for the specified validation groups.
getTargetConstraints(Class<?>...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PropertyTypeGenerator
Returns the constraints of the target for the specified validation groups.
getType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.CollectionGenerationParameters
Returns the components type.
getType() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParameters
Returns the type parameter.
getType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParametersImpl
Returns the type parameter.
getType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.TypeDeclaration
Returns the value type.
getValidationClass() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PropertyTypeGenerator
Returns the class containing the target property.
getValuesType() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParameters
Returns the values type parameter.
getValuesType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
Returns the values type parameter.
getValuesType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Returns the values type.
getValueType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractTypedGenerator
Returns the type of generated values.
getValueType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTargetedGenerator
Returns the type of generated values.
getValueType() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns the type of generated values.
groups() - Element in annotation type dev.orne.test.rnd.junit.Random
The validation groups to use when extracting the constraints of the random value.


hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractGenerator
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractTypedGenerator
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParametersSourceExtractor
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTargetedGenerator
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.CollectionGenerationParameters
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstructorParameterTypeGenerator
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.DefaultParametersExtractor
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ExecutableGenerator
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodParameterTypeGenerator
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodReturnTypeGenerator
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NullableParametersImpl
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParametersImpl
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParameterTypeGenerator
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PropertyTypeGenerator
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParametersImpl
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParametersImpl
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.StringGenerationParameters
hashCode() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.TypeDeclaration


injectField(Class<?>, Field, Object, Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.junit.RandomValueExtension
Injects to the target field of the test class a generated random value.
injectFields(Class<?>, Object) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.junit.RandomValueExtension
Injects to the fields annotated with @Random of the test class generated random values.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators.MissingGenerator
The generator placeholder for missing generators.
InstantGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of Instant values.
InstantGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.InstantGenerator
Creates a new instance.
IntegerGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of int and Integer values.
IntegerGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.IntegerGenerator
Creates a new instance.
isNullable() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NullableParameters
Returns true if a null value is accepted.
isNullable() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NullableParametersImpl
Returns true if a null value is accepted.


KeyValueGenericParameters - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for generation parameters of generic classes with two type parameters for key and values.
KeyValueGenericParameters.KeysTypeBuilder - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for KeyValueGenericParameters keys type builders.
KeyValueGenericParameters.ValuesTypeBuilder - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for KeyValueGenericParameters values type builders.
KeyValueGenericParametersExtractor - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generation parameters extractor that copies parameters between KeyValueGenericParameters instances.
KeyValueGenericParametersExtractor() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersExtractor
Creates a new instance.
KeyValueGenericParametersImpl - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
The basic implementation of KeyValueGenericParameters.
KeyValueGenericParametersImpl() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
Empty constructor.
KeyValueGenericParametersImpl(GenerationParameters) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
Copy constructor.
KeyValueGenericParametersTypeExtractor - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generation parameters extractor that detects TypeDeclaration parameter sources and sets KeyValueGenericParameters.keysType and KeyValueGenericParameters.valuesType.
KeyValueGenericParametersTypeExtractor() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersTypeExtractor
Creates a new instance.


ListGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of List values.
ListGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ListGenerator
Creates a new instance.
LocalDateGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of LocalDate values.
LocalDateGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LocalDateGenerator
Creates a new instance.
LocalDateTimeGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of LocalDateTime values.
LocalDateTimeGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LocalDateTimeGenerator
Creates a new instance.
LocaleGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of Locale values.
LocaleGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LocaleGenerator
Creates a new instance.
LocalTimeGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of LocalTime values.
LocalTimeGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LocalTimeGenerator
Creates a new instance.
LongGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of long and Long values.
LongGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LongGenerator
Creates a new instance.


MapGenerationParameters - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Parameters for random Map generation.
MapGenerationParameters() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Creates a new instance.
MapGenerationParameters(GenerationParameters) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Copy constructor.
MapGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of Map values.
MapGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.MapGenerator
Creates a new instance.
MAX - Static variable in annotation type dev.orne.test.rnd.Priority
The maximum priority.
MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ArrayGenerator
The maximum generated array size.
MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ListGenerator
The maximum generated list size.
MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.MapGenerator
The maximum generated array size.
MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.SetGenerator
The maximum generated set size.
MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.StringGenerator
The maximum generated string length.
MaxConstraintExtractor - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generation parameters extractor that detects Max constraint annotations and sets NumParameters.max.
MaxConstraintExtractor() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MaxConstraintExtractor
Creates a new instance.
MethodParameterTypeGenerator<T> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Implementation of TargetedGenerator that generates random values of the target method parameter type.
MethodParameterTypeGenerator(Class<T>, Method, int) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodParameterTypeGenerator
Creates a new instance.
MethodParameterTypeGenerator(Class<T>, Method, int, Generator) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodParameterTypeGenerator
Creates a new instance.
MethodReturnTypeGenerator<T> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Implementation of TargetedGenerator that generates random values of the target method return type.
MethodReturnTypeGenerator(Class<T>, Method) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodReturnTypeGenerator
Creates a new instance.
MethodReturnTypeGenerator(Class<T>, Method, Generator) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodReturnTypeGenerator
Creates a new instance.
MIN - Static variable in annotation type dev.orne.test.rnd.Priority
The minimum priority.
MIN_SIZE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ArrayGenerator
The minimum generated array size.
MIN_SIZE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ListGenerator
The minimum generated list size.
MIN_SIZE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.MapGenerator
The minimum generated array size.
MIN_SIZE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.SetGenerator
The minimum generated set size.
MIN_SIZE - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.StringGenerator
The minimum generated string length.
MinConstraintExtractor - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generation parameters extractor that detects Min constraint annotations and sets NumParameters.min.
MinConstraintExtractor() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MinConstraintExtractor
Creates a new instance.
MonthDayGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of MonthDay values.
MonthDayGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.MonthDayGenerator
Creates a new instance.


NATIVE_GENERATORS - Static variable in annotation type dev.orne.test.rnd.Priority
The priority for built in native types generators.
NOP - Static variable in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersSourceExtractor
Shared instance of fallback NOP extractor.
NopStreamHandler() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URLGenerator.NopStreamHandler
Creates a new instance.
NotNullConstraintExtractor - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generation parameters extractor that detects NotNull constraint annotations and sets GenerationParameters.nullable to false.
NotNullConstraintExtractor() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NotNullConstraintExtractor
Creates a new instance.
nullableDefaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractTypedGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.TypedGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(Class<?>...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTargetedGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(Class<?>...) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.TargetedGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(Class<R>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AbstractPrimitiveGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(Class<T>) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.Generator
Returns the default value for the specified type allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
nullableDefaultValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators.MissingGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(Class<T>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns the default value for the specified type allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(Class<T>, Object...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns the default value for the specified type allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type and parameter sources allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(Class<T>, Object...) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type and parameter sources allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(Class<T>, P) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value for the specified type and parameters allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(Object...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type for the specified parameter sources allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(Object...) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.TypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type for the specified parameter sources allowing null values.
nullableDefaultValue(P) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns the default value of the supported type for the specified parameters allowing nullvalues.
NullableParameters - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for generation parameters for value types that can be null.
NullableParameters.Builder - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for NullableParameters builders.
NullableParametersExtractor - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generation parameters extractor that copies parameters between GenerationParameters instances.
NullableParametersExtractor() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NullableParametersExtractor
Creates a new instance.
NullableParametersImpl - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
The basic implementation of NullableParameters.
NullableParametersImpl() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NullableParametersImpl
Empty constructor.
NullableParametersImpl(GenerationParameters) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NullableParametersImpl
Copy constructor.
nullableRandomComponent(Type) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CollectionGeneratorUtils
Returns a random value of the specified type allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractTypedGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.TypedGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue(CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ListGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type for the specified parameters allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue(CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.SetGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type for the specified parameters allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue(MapGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.MapGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type for the specified parameters allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue(Class<?>...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTargetedGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type.
nullableRandomValue(Class<?>...) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.TargetedGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type.
nullableRandomValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue(Class<T>) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.Generator
Returns a random value of the specified type allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
nullableRandomValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ArrayGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators.MissingGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue(Class<T>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns a random value of the specified type allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue(Class<T>, CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ListGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type and parameters.
nullableRandomValue(Class<T>, CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.SetGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type and parameters.
nullableRandomValue(Class<T>, MapGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.MapGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type and parameters.
nullableRandomValue(Class<T>, Object...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns a random value of the specified type allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue(Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type and parameter sources.
nullableRandomValue(Class<T>, Object...) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type and parameter sources.
nullableRandomValue(Class<T>, P) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type and parameters.
nullableRandomValue(Object...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type for the specified parameter sources allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue(Object...) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.TypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type for the specified parameter sources allowing null values.
nullableRandomValue(P) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type for the specified parameters allowing null values.
NumberParameters - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for number generation parameters.
NumberParameters.Builder - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for NumberParameters builders.
NumberParametersExtractor - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generation parameters extractor that copies parameters between NumberParameters instances.
NumberParametersExtractor() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParametersExtractor
Creates a new instance.
NumberParametersImpl - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
The basic implementation of NumberParameters.
NumberParametersImpl() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParametersImpl
Empty constructor.
NumberParametersImpl(GenerationParameters) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParametersImpl
Copy constructor.


of(Class<T>, Method) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ExecutableGenerator
Creates a new instance that will call the specified factory method.
of(Class<T>, Method) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.FactoryMethodGenerator
Creates a new instance that will call the specified factory method.
of(Constructor<T>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstructorGenerator
Creates a new instance that will call the specified constructor.
of(Constructor<T>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ExecutableGenerator
Creates a new instance that will call the specified constructor.
OffsetDateTimeGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of OffsetDateTime values.
OffsetDateTimeGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.OffsetDateTimeGenerator
Creates a new instance.
OffsetTimeGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of OffsetTime values.
OffsetTimeGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.OffsetTimeGenerator
Creates a new instance.
openConnection(URL) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URLGenerator.NopStreamHandler


ParameterizableGenerator - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for random value generators with optional parameters.
ParametersExtractor<P> - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for generation parameters extractor.
ParametersExtractors - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Registry of generation parameters source extractors.
ParametersExtractors.ExtractorBuilder - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Functional interface for parameters extractor builder.
ParametersExtractors.SourceExtractorFilter - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Functional interface for generation parameters source extractors filter.
ParametersSourceExtractor<P,S> - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for generation parameters extractor from a source type.
ParametersSourceExtractor.NopExtractor - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Fallback implementation of ParametersSourceExtractor that does nothing.
ParameterTypeGenerator<T> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Implementation of TargetedGenerator that generates random values of the target parameter type.
ParameterTypeGenerator(Class<T>, Parameter) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParameterTypeGenerator
Creates a new instance.
ParameterTypeGenerator(Class<T>, Parameter, Generator) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParameterTypeGenerator
Creates a new instance.
PathGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of Path values.
PathGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
Creates a new instance.
PeriodGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of Period values.
PeriodGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PeriodGenerator
Creates a new instance.
PositiveConstraintExtractor - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generation parameters extractor that detects Positive constraint annotations and sets NumParameters.min.
PositiveConstraintExtractor() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PositiveConstraintExtractor
Creates a new instance.
PositiveOrZeroConstraintExtractor - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generation parameters extractor that detects PositiveOrZero constraint annotations and sets NumParameters.min.
PositiveOrZeroConstraintExtractor() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PositiveOrZeroConstraintExtractor
Creates a new instance.
Priority - Annotation Type in dev.orne.test.rnd
Annotation for generators priority.
PropertyTypeGenerator<T> - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Implementation of TargetedGenerator that generates random values of the type a target property.
PropertyTypeGenerator(Class<T>, Class<?>, Field) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PropertyTypeGenerator
Creates a new instance.
PropertyTypeGenerator(Class<T>, Class<?>, Field, Generator) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PropertyTypeGenerator
Creates a new instance.


Random - Annotation Type in dev.orne.test.rnd.junit
Annotation for automatic random value injection in JUnit Jupiter tests.
randomAbbreviatedIp6Address() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random abbreviated IP6 address.
randomAbsolutePath() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random absolute path.
randomAbsoluteURI() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random absolute URI.
randomArray(Class<?>, Generator) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ArrayGenerator
Returns a random sized array of the specified component type.
randomAuthority() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random authority part.
randomBigDecimal() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BigDecimalGenerator
Generates a random BigDecimal with unescaled value between -1032 and 1032 (both excluded) and scale between -1022 and 1023 (both included).
randomBigInteger() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BigIntegerGenerator
Generates a random BigInteger between -1032 and 1032 both excluded.
randomByte() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ByteGenerator
Generates a random byte between Byte.MIN_VALUE and Byte.MAX_VALUE both included.
randomChar() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CharacterGenerator
Generates a random byte between Character.MIN_VALUE and Character.MAX_VALUE both included.
randomComponent(Type) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CollectionGeneratorUtils
Returns a random value of the specified type.
randomDecodeOnlyValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CharsetGenerator
Generate a random Charset that does not support encoding.
randomDomainLabel() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random non top domain label.
randomDouble() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.DoubleGenerator
Generates a random double between Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY and Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY both included.
randomEnumValue(Class<T>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.EnumGenerator
Returns a random constant of the specified enumeration.
randomFiniteDouble() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.DoubleGenerator
Generates a random double between Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY and Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY both excluded.
randomFiniteFloat() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FloatGenerator
Generates a random float between Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY and Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY both excluded.
randomFloat() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FloatGenerator
Generates a random float between Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY and Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY both included.
randomFragment() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random fragment part of an URI.
randomFullIp6Address() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random full IP6 address.
randomHost() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random host.
randomHostName() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random host name.
randomInt() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.IntegerGenerator
Generates a random int between Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE both included.
randomInt(int, int) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.IntegerGenerator
Generates a random int between min and max both included.
randomIp4Address() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random IP4 address.
randomIp6Address() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random IP6 address.
randomIp6Piece() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random IP6 address piece.
randomList(CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ListGenerator
Returns a random sized list of the specified component type.
randomLong() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LongGenerator
Generates a random long between Long.MIN_VALUE and Long.MAX_VALUE both included.
randomMap(MapGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.MapGenerator
Returns a random sized map of the specified keys and values types.
randomNull(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractGenerator
Determines if the value must be null based on the probability of null values.
randomNull(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AbstractPrimitiveGenerator
Determines if the value must be null based on the probability of null values.
randomNullablesArray(Class<?>, Generator) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ArrayGenerator
Returns a random sized array of the specified component type allowing null component values.
randomNullablesList(CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ListGenerator
Returns a random sized list of the specified component type allowing null component values.
randomNullablesMap(MapGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.MapGenerator
Returns a random sized map of the specified keys and values types allowing null values.
randomNullablesSet(CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.SetGenerator
Returns a random sized set of the specified component type allowing null component values.
randomOptionalFragment() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random optional fragment part of an URI.
randomOptionalPort() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random optional port.
randomOptionalQuery() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random optional query part of an URI.
randomOptionalUserInfo() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random optional user info part of an URI.
randomPath() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
Generate a random path.
randomPath() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
Generate a random path.
randomPath() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random path part of an URI.
randomPathSegment() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
Generate a random path segment.
randomPathSegment() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
Generate a random path segment.
randomPathSegment() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random path segment.
randomPort() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random port.
randomQuery() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random query part of an URI.
randomRegistryBasedNamedAuthority() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random registry based named authority part.
randomRelativePath() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random relative path.
randomRelativeURI() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random absolute URI.
randomScheme() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random scheme.
randomServerAuthority() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random server authority part.
randomSet(CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.SetGenerator
Returns a random sized set of the specified component type.
randomShort() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ShortGenerator
Generates a random short between Short.MIN_VALUE and Short.MAX_VALUE both included.
randomSize(CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ListGenerator
Returns a random list size.
randomSize(CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.SetGenerator
Returns a random set size.
randomSize(MapGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.MapGenerator
Returns a random map size.
randomSize(StringGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.StringGenerator
Returns a random string length.
randomString(StringGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.StringGenerator
Returns a random sized string.
randomTopLabel() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random top domain label.
randomURI() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random URI (absolute or not).
randomURL() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URLGenerator
Returns a random URL.
randomUserInfo() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random user info part of an URI.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BigDecimalGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BigIntegerGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BooleanGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ByteGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CalendarGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CharacterGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CharsetGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ChronologyGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ClockGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.CurrencyGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.DateGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.DoubleGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.DurationGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FloatGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.InstantGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.IntegerGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LocalDateGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LocalDateTimeGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LocaleGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LocalTimeGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.LongGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.MonthDayGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.OffsetDateTimeGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.OffsetTimeGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PeriodGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ShortGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.TimeZoneGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URLGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.UUIDGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.YearGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.YearMonthGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ZonedDateTimeGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ZoneIdGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ZoneOffsetGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ExecutableGenerator
Returns a random instance of the target type.
randomValue() - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.TypedGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue(CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ListGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type for the specified parameters.
randomValue(CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.SetGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type for the specified parameters.
randomValue(MapGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.MapGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type for the specified parameters.
randomValue(StringGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.StringGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type for the specified parameters.
randomValue(Class<?>...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTargetedGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue(Class<?>...) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.TargetedGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type.
randomValue(Class<T>) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.Generator
Returns a random value of the specified type.
randomValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type.
randomValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ArrayGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type.
randomValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.EnumGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type.
randomValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators.MissingGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type.
randomValue(Class<T>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns a random value of the specified type.
randomValue(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type.
randomValue(Class<T>, Object...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Returns a random value of the specified type.
randomValue(Class<T>, Object...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type and parameter sources.
randomValue(Class<T>, Object...) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type and parameter sources.
randomValue(Class<T>, P) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type and parameters.
randomValue(Class<V>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractTypedGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type.
randomValue(Class<V>, P) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the specified type and parameters.
randomValue(Object...) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type for the specified parameter sources.
randomValue(Object...) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.TypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type for the specified parameter sources.
randomValue(P) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Returns a random value of the supported type for the specified parameters.
RandomValueExtension - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.junit
JUnit Jupiter extension for automatic random value injection.
RandomValueExtension() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.junit.RandomValueExtension
Creates a new instance.
register(Generator...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Adds the specified generators to the registered generators.
register(ParametersSourceExtractor<?, ?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors
Adds the specified parameter source extractors to the registered extractors.
register(Collection<Generator>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Adds the specified generators to the registered generators.
register(Collection<ParametersSourceExtractor<?, ?>>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors
Adds the specified parameter source extractors to the registered extractors.
remove(Generator...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Removes the specified generators from the registered generators.
remove(ParametersSourceExtractor<?, ?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors
Removes the specified parameter source extractors from the registered extractors.
remove(Collection<Generator>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Removes the specified generators from the registered generators.
remove(Collection<ParametersSourceExtractor<?, ?>>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors
Removes the specified parameter source extractors from the registered extractors.
removeLastSeparator(String) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
Removes the last file path separator from the path if exists.
removeLastSeparator(String) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
Removes the last file path separator from the path if exists.
reset() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Resets the loaded and cached generators.
reset() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors
Resets the loaded and cached extractors.
resolveParameter(ParameterContext, ExtensionContext) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.junit.RandomValueExtension


SEPARATOR - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
The default file system separator.
setBuilder(ParametersExtractors.ExtractorBuilder) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors
Sets the parameters extractor builder.
setFilter(ParametersExtractors.SourceExtractorFilter) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParametersExtractors
Sets the generation parameters source extractors filter.
SetGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of Set values.
SetGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.SetGenerator
Creates a new instance.
setKeysType(Type) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParameters
Sets the keys type parameter.
setKeysType(Type) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
Sets the keys type parameter.
setKeysType(Type) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Sets the keys type.
setMax(Number) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParameters
Sets the maximum (inclusive) value.
setMax(Number) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParametersImpl
Sets the maximum (inclusive) value.
setMaxSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.CollectionGenerationParameters
Sets the maximum size.
setMaxSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Sets the maximum size.
setMaxSize(int) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParameters
Sets the maximum size.
setMaxSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParametersImpl
Sets the maximum size.
setMaxSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.StringGenerationParameters
Sets the maximum size.
setMin(Number) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParameters
Sets the minimum (inclusive) value.
setMin(Number) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParametersImpl
Sets the minimum (inclusive) value.
setMinSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.CollectionGenerationParameters
Sets the minimum size.
setMinSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Sets the minimum size.
setMinSize(int) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParameters
Sets the minimum size.
setMinSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParametersImpl
Sets the minimum size.
setMinSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.StringGenerationParameters
Sets the minimum size.
setNullable(boolean) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NullableParameters
Sets if a null value is accepted.
setNullable(boolean) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NullableParametersImpl
Sets if a null value is accepted.
setNullProbability(float) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractGenerator
Sets the probability of null value in AbstractGenerator.nullableRandomValue(Class).
setType(Type) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.CollectionGenerationParameters
Sets the components type.
setType(Type) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParameters
Sets the type parameter.
setType(Type) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParametersImpl
Sets the type parameter.
setValuesType(Type) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParameters
Sets the values type parameter.
setValuesType(Type) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
Sets the values type parameter.
setValuesType(Type) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Sets the values type.
ShortGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of short and Short values.
ShortGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ShortGenerator
Creates a new instance.
SimpleGenericParameters - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for generation parameters of generic classes with a single type parameter.
SimpleGenericParameters.Builder - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for SimpleGenericParameters builders.
SimpleGenericParametersExtractor - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generation parameters extractor that copies parameters between SimpleGenericParameters instances.
SimpleGenericParametersExtractor() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParametersExtractor
Creates a new instance.
SimpleGenericParametersImpl - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
The basic implementation of SimpleGenericParameters.
SimpleGenericParametersImpl() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParametersImpl
Empty constructor.
SimpleGenericParametersImpl(GenerationParameters) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParametersImpl
Copy constructor.
SimpleGenericParametersTypeExtractor - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generation parameters extractor that detects TypeDeclaration parameter sources and sets SimpleGenericParameters.type.
SimpleGenericParametersTypeExtractor() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParametersTypeExtractor
Creates a new instance.
SizeConstraintExtractor - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generation parameters extractor that detects Size constraint annotations and sets SizeParameters.minSize and SizeParameters.maxSize.
SizeConstraintExtractor() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeConstraintExtractor
Creates a new instance.
SizeParameters - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for generation parameters that support sizing parameters.
SizeParameters.Builder - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for NumberParameters builders.
SizeParametersExtractor - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generation parameters extractor that copies parameters between SizeParameters instances.
SizeParametersExtractor() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParametersExtractor
Creates a new instance.
SizeParametersImpl - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
The basic implementation of SizeParameters.
SizeParametersImpl() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParametersImpl
Empty constructor.
SizeParametersImpl(GenerationParameters) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParametersImpl
Copy constructor.
StringGenerationParameters - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Parameters for random String generation.
StringGenerationParameters() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.StringGenerationParameters
Creates a new instance.
StringGenerationParameters(GenerationParameters) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.StringGenerationParameters
Copy constructor.
StringGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of String and CharSequence values.
StringGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.StringGenerator
Creates a new instance.
supports(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractTypedGenerator
Checks if values of the specified type can be generated by this instance.
supports(Class<?>) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.Generator
Checks if values of the specified type can be generated by this instance.
supports(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AbstractPrimitiveGenerator
Checks if values of the specified type can be generated by this instance.
supports(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.AnnotatedMethodGenerator
Checks if values of the specified type can be generated by this instance.
supports(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ArrayGenerator
Checks if values of the specified type can be generated by this instance.
supports(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.BigDecimalGenerator
Checks if values of the specified type can be generated by this instance.
supports(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.EnumGenerator
Checks if values of the specified type can be generated by this instance.
supports(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ListGenerator
Checks if values of the specified type can be generated by this instance.
supports(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators.MissingGenerator
Checks if values of the specified type can be generated by this instance.
supports(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.StringGenerator
Checks if values of the specified type can be generated by this instance.
supports(Class<?>) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.Generators
Checks if values of the specified type can be generated by any registered generator.
supports(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractTypedParameterizableGenerator
Checks if values of the specified type can be generated by this instance.
supportsParameter(ParameterContext, ExtensionContext) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.junit.RandomValueExtension


TargetedGenerator<T> - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Interface for generators that target a property, method or constructor parameter or method return type.
targeting(Class<?>, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstructorParameterTypeGenerator
Creates a new generator targeting the specified constructor parameter type.
targeting(Class<?>, Field) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PropertyTypeGenerator
Creates a new generator targeting the specified field, using the specified class as validation class.
targeting(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PropertyTypeGenerator
Creates a new generator targeting the specified property of the specified class.
targeting(Class<?>, String, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodParameterTypeGenerator
Creates a new generator targeting the specified method parameter type.
targeting(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodReturnTypeGenerator
Creates a new generator targeting the specified method return type.
targeting(Constructor<?>, int) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ConstructorParameterTypeGenerator
Creates a new generator targeting the specified constructor parameter type.
targeting(Field) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.PropertyTypeGenerator
Creates a new generator targeting the specified field.
targeting(Method) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodReturnTypeGenerator
Creates a new generator targeting the specified method return type.
targeting(Method, int) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MethodParameterTypeGenerator
Creates a new generator targeting the specified method parameter type.
targeting(Parameter) - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.ParameterTypeGenerator
Creates a new generator targeting the specified constructor parameter type.
TimeZoneGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of TimeZone values.
TimeZoneGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.TimeZoneGenerator
Creates a new instance.
TMP_DIR_PROP - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
System property for temporary files directory path.
TMP_DIR_PROP - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
System property for temporary files directory path.
tmpDir() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
Returns the default temporary file directory.
tmpDir() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
Returns the default temporary file directory.
tmpPath() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
Returns the default temporary file directory path.
tmpPath() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
Returns the default temporary file directory path.
toString() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.AbstractGenerator
toString() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.AbstractParametersSourceExtractor
toString() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.DefaultParametersExtractor
toString() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
toString() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NullableParametersImpl
toString() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParametersImpl
toString() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParametersImpl
toString() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParametersImpl
toString() - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.TypeDeclaration
TypeDeclaration - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Generation parameters source that provides the declared type of the value to generate.
TypeDeclaration(Type) - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.TypeDeclaration
Creates a new instance.
TypedGenerator<T> - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd
Extension of Generator for generators that only provide one type of values.
TypedParameterizableGenerator<T> - Interface in dev.orne.test.rnd.params
Extension of ParameterizableGenerator for generators that only provide one type of values.


UnsupportedValueTypeException - Exception in dev.orne.test.rnd
Exception thrown by Generator instances when a value of an unsupported type is requested.
UnsupportedValueTypeException() - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.UnsupportedValueTypeException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
UnsupportedValueTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.UnsupportedValueTypeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
UnsupportedValueTypeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.UnsupportedValueTypeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
UnsupportedValueTypeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.orne.test.rnd.UnsupportedValueTypeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
URIGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of URI values.
URIGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URIGenerator
Creates a new instance.
URLGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of URL values.
URLGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.URLGenerator
Creates a new instance.
URLGenerator.NopStreamHandler - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Implementation of URLStreamHandler that prevents opening generated random URLs.
USER_DIR_PROP - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
System property for user home directory path.
USER_DIR_PROP - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
System property for user home directory path.
userDir() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
Returns the current user's home directory.
userDir() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
Returns the current user's home directory.
userPath() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
Returns the current user's home directory path.
userPath() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
Returns the current user's home directory path.
UUIDGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of UUID values.
UUIDGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.UUIDGenerator
Creates a new instance.


validateParameters(CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ListGenerator
Validates that the parameters contain enough information to generate the values.
validateParameters(CollectionGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.SetGenerator
Validates that the parameters contain enough information to generate the values.
validateParameters(MapGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.MapGenerator
Validates that the parameters contain enough information to generate the values.
validateParameters(StringGenerationParameters) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.StringGenerator
Validates that the parameters contain enough information to generate the values.
value() - Element in annotation type dev.orne.test.rnd.Priority
Returns the priority of the generator.


withElementsType(Class<?>) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParameters.Builder
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified class as list components type.
withElementsType(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParametersImpl
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified class as list components type.
withElementsType(GenericArrayType) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParameters.Builder
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified generic array type as list components type.
withElementsType(GenericArrayType) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParametersImpl
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified generic array type as list components type.
withElementsType(ParameterizedType) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParameters.Builder
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified parameterized type as list components type.
withElementsType(ParameterizedType) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SimpleGenericParametersImpl
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified parameterized type as list components type.
withKeysType(Class<?>) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParameters.KeysTypeBuilder
Specifies the type of the map keys.
withKeysType(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
Specifies the type of the map keys.
withKeysType(GenericArrayType) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParameters.KeysTypeBuilder
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified generic array type as list components type.
withKeysType(GenericArrayType) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified generic array type as list components type.
withKeysType(ParameterizedType) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParameters.KeysTypeBuilder
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified parameterized type as list components type.
withKeysType(ParameterizedType) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified parameterized type as list components type.
withKeysType(Type) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Sets the keys type.
withMax(Number) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParameters.Builder
Sets the maximum (inclusive) value.
withMax(Number) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParametersImpl
Sets the maximum (inclusive) value.
withMaxSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.CollectionGenerationParameters
Sets the maximum size.
withMaxSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Sets the maximum size.
withMaxSize(int) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParameters.Builder
Sets the maximum size.
withMaxSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParametersImpl
Sets the maximum size.
withMaxSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.StringGenerationParameters
Sets the maximum size.
withMin(Number) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParameters.Builder
Sets the minimum (inclusive) value.
withMin(Number) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NumberParametersImpl
Sets the minimum (inclusive) value.
withMinSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.CollectionGenerationParameters
Sets the minimum size.
withMinSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Sets the minimum size.
withMinSize(int) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParameters.Builder
Sets the minimum size.
withMinSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.SizeParametersImpl
Sets the minimum size.
withMinSize(int) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.StringGenerationParameters
Sets the minimum size.
withNullable(boolean) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.CollectionGenerationParameters
Sets if a null value is accepted.
withNullable(boolean) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Sets if a null value is accepted.
withNullable(boolean) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NullableParameters.Builder
Sets if a null value is accepted.
withNullable(boolean) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.NullableParametersImpl
Sets if a null value is accepted.
withNullable(boolean) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.StringGenerationParameters
Sets if a null value is accepted.
withType(Type) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.CollectionGenerationParameters
Sets the components type.
withValuesType(Class<?>) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParameters.ValuesTypeBuilder
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified keys and values types.
withValuesType(Class<?>) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified keys and values types.
withValuesType(GenericArrayType) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParameters.ValuesTypeBuilder
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified keys and values types.
withValuesType(GenericArrayType) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified keys and values types.
withValuesType(ParameterizedType) - Method in interface dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParameters.ValuesTypeBuilder
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified keys and values types.
withValuesType(ParameterizedType) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.KeyValueGenericParametersImpl
Creates a new instance of generation parameters with the specified keys and values types.
withValuesType(Type) - Method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.params.MapGenerationParameters
Sets the values type.
WORKING_DIR_PROP - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
System property for working directory path.
WORKING_DIR_PROP - Static variable in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
System property for working directory path.
workingDir() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
Returns the current working directory.
workingDir() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
Returns the current working directory.
workingPath() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.FileGenerator
Returns the current working directory path.
workingPath() - Static method in class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.PathGenerator
Returns the current working directory path.


YearGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of Year values.
YearGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.YearGenerator
Creates a new instance.
YearMonthGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of YearMonth values.
YearMonthGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.YearMonthGenerator
Creates a new instance.


ZonedDateTimeGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of ZonedDateTime values.
ZonedDateTimeGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ZonedDateTimeGenerator
Creates a new instance.
ZoneIdGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of ZoneId values.
ZoneIdGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ZoneIdGenerator
Creates a new instance.
ZoneOffsetGenerator - Class in dev.orne.test.rnd.generators
Generator of ZoneOffset values.
ZoneOffsetGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.orne.test.rnd.generators.ZoneOffsetGenerator
Creates a new instance.
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